Wednesday 29 April 2009

How Facebook's New Move Will Affect You

April 28, 2009

Facebook has made a big announcement that could change the way you use it.
Yesterday, the social network website said it has launched the Open Stream API.

Rest of the story

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Can Twitter Really Build You Links?

I am going to share with you guys a very well written article by Nick Stamoulis on how you can build links using twitter.

Twitter isn’t a link building service. In fact, aside from the one link you get in your 140-character limit bio, there isn’t a whole lot of potential for building links through Twitter. At least, not directly. However, there are some indirect methods for building links.

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How to promote your business on Twitter

Wowee! @MariSmith's "Social Marketing Method" is *packed* with money-making ideas for Facebook & Twitter!

Former Facebook exec tapped to lead MySpace

SAN FRANCISCO — It didn't take long for MySpace to find a new CEO.

Just two days after announcing the departure of co-founder and CEO Chris DeWolfe, the popular social-networking site named former Facebook COO Owen Van Natta as his replacement.

For rest of story.

Concerned Women Asking About Swine Flu Panic

I was just talking to Wendy Wright, the president of the conservative group Concerned Women for America, about the nomination of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kans.) to run the Department of Health and Human Services. The group opposes the nomination, and Wright is raising some questions about the timing of the swine flu crackdown so close to tomorrow’s cloture vote.
For rest of story.

The Twitter Top 140

We're still trying to figure out Twitter, right? I was under the impression that everyone, from the ADHD-addled college student with an account with just one update "I'm using Twitter!" to the company CEO, still doesn't know exactly what to do with it. It's got some use, sure, and it's a wonderful combination of fun and addicting, but at this stage in the game all the celebrities, applications, and memes being nurtured in this social network are far too numerous to name....
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